
12 month checkup

My Poor Blake.

We went Monday for his routine 12 month checkup and a consult on his "possible" allergies. He's had severe eczema and terrible skin problems from a very early age, for which we're using a topical steriod ointment. Long term use of topical sterioids doesn't pose a threat, but it's definitely a pain in the butt to slather him down numerous times per day. I'm determined to get to the root of the issue causing the eczema, which I strongly suspect to be a milk or pet allergy. I volunteered several vials of his blood, which I later regretted simply due to the process that took place in order to retrieve his blood. My poor baby. He had all his normal checks, height, weight, nose, eyes, ears, breathing, etc and I was alarmed to find out he had another ear infection in which we did not know about. This makes the 4th in 7 months. I'm sure we'll be talking tubes in the near future.

We hope to have the allergy test results back within 10 days. He weighed in at 25lbs even, is 29 3/4" tall which puts him in the 75th% for weight and 50th% for height. Honestly I thought his weight had gone off the charts so this is my reassurance that's he's perfectly normal sized. (I still don't believe it)

Outwitted, outsmarted, outplayed

Any working parent will tell you that the weekday morning rush is extremely rough once you throw kids into the mix. Children can be especially sensitive to changes in their schedules and often thrive on predictability. The side of this that makes life hard on us parents is that children themselves are not predictable creatures and have very individual needs, which has the tendency to launch a complete revolution when they’re pushed against their will.

Lately we’ve been fighting some enormous battles with Lauren when it comes to cooperating in the mornings. We routinely talk with her at bedtime about what we’re doing the next day in hopes she’ll wake up in a cooperative mood. I’m quickly realizing that my current approach isn’t working. I have a typical two year old, who at times is a bit more dramatic than other two year olds, and maybe a tad more stubborn or independent than others, but she still fits the range of what two year olds are. I understand my fears of not surviving toddlerhood with my kids are also very normal, but none of it is easier to deal with just because we’re like everyone else.

My simple goal of making sure to be one step ahead of my kids is already in jeopardy. My little Lauren has already outwitted me, outsmarted me, and outplayed me in many ways.