

In the last few weeks I've consumed pizza, a few meals out of the house, some candy, and birthday cake. I feel sluggish, sleepy, lethargic......and GUILTY! While it's certainly not the end of the world, getting sidetracked like this could definitely lead to putting more weight on and not losing one more single pound. I got so good at weight watchers that I stopped tracking every bite daily. WRONG MOVE. I'm back at it this week. My workouts have only been about 2-3 per week the last couple weeks opposed to the 4-5 normally. WRONG AGAIN!

I am still holding steady with a total overall weight loss of 22 lbs, but my goal by xmas is to hit 40. I CAN DO THIS! I am excited to incorporate some p90x upper arm and ab exercised to my current cardio routine in hopes of building lean muscle mass where I now have no tone whatsoever. I feel great working out with weights and it will help me to burn calories much faster. Here are a few of my inspiration pics...........back from about Feb 2003. I bet I was 13-40 lbs in these pics. Jill and I were loving life in our first apartment together!!!!

Blake will soon be THREE

I'm feeling sentimental today, especially after last night's dislocated elbow incident. There are no words to describe how I feel about my little baby Blake. In two short weeks he will be a big boy of 3 years old. WOW. To say that he is everything I imagined would be the understatement of the century. He has a way of making my heart skip a beat just by looking at him. His smile, his son.

He is such a boy and such a comedian. Loves motorcycles, trash trucks, and big-big trucks. Loves to throw balls in the house and swing plastic bats at Lauren's head. He is attached to two blankies and when he's tired he balls them up together by his face and walks around the house. He plays air guitar, he sings at top of his lungs and he makes loud motorcycle noises.He gives pucker lip kisses all day long. Lauren paints his toes pink and he loves it. He loves her. Adores her. He is a sweet soul who gets his feelings hurt easily. We call him Blake, Blakey Boy, Boo, Boo Boo, Bubba Boo, Mr B, SweetyB, Sweet Boy, but most of all I call him my amazing son. I am certainly not deserving of this most perfect child.